Power of Simplicity

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About Us

We are established in 2018. Like most IT company at that time, we provide accounting and payroll solutions to Malaysian SMEs and professional firms such as lawyers, architects, engineers, consultants, etc.

Since then our solutions and services have evolved. Beginning 2018, we have set up a new Internet Solution Division providing a full spectrum of internet services: from web site development to digital marketing; mobile apps to ERP backend integration.

Our Mission

We provide value for money IT solutions for medium to large organizations. Behind all our concepts and design ideas, we aim to provide powerful yet simple to use solutions.

All our solutions are backed by premium support services that are second to none.

All our employees are friends-first, well trained and qualified. They provide professional services to ensure you enjoy great customer experience.

IQ-Law Accounting Package​

Office Ledger​

Fine-Sand Security

Limits unauthorized access, information disclosure, data entries and manipulation.

Period Gating

Avoid date entry errors. In addition, records and errors can easily be traced.

Recurring Transactions

Improve data input time and accuracy.

Flexible Financial Year Settings

Can set up to almost unlimited number of months per financial year.


Reduce keystrokes and maintain sequential order. Recording billings, official receipts and bank payments or cheques will be fast and accurate.

Client Ledger​

Detailed Transactions Analysis

Fees, Disbursements, Reimbursements, Funds Transfers, and Settlements are all properly and easily organised for further actions and analysed.

Corresponding Accounts

Can compare the corresponding accounts ie Debtor Account, for more useful and comprehensive information.

Period Gating

Avoid date entry errors. In addition, records and errors can easily be traced.

Performance Analysis

Performance based on billings, fees collections or even case completion can be easily tracked and reviewed.

Fees Apportionment Settings

Apportionment of fees for each lawyers can be set. Fees sharing is a great incentive and encourage better lawyer performance.


Reduce keystrokes and maintain sequential order for Notice issuance. Such entries will be fast and accurate.

Debtor Ledger​

Choice of receipt off-sets methods

There are three off-setting choices – oldest, monthly or specific bill. It’s quick, flexible and accurate.

Unpaid or Partially Unpaid Bills

Only unpaid or partially unpaid bills will appear as outstanding for each debtor. This will minimized wrong receipt entry to another different debtor or apply wrongly to another bill. Your outstanding debts are 100% accurate.


Reduce keystrokes and maintain sequential order. Recording billings and official receipts will be fast and accurate.

Informative Aging Reports

Two aging listing choices; the usual monthly and more informative day-aging. Accurate debt details will facilitate quicker settlement.

Client (Trust) Accounts and Corresponding Debtor Accounts Comparison

Compare and review both Client (Trust) Account and Debtor Account side by side. Trace transactions and differences easily.

Cash Book​


Reduce keystrokes and maintain sequential order. Issuance of official receipts and payment vouchers will be fast and accurate.

Period Gating

Avoid date entry errors. In addition, records and errors can easily be traced.

Recurring Transactions

Improve data input time and accuracy.

Bank Reconcilation

Bank-in and cheque payment clearance can be marked easily with many search tools. Your Bank Reconcilation Statement will be auto-generated.


Fine Sand Security

Limit unauthorized view or change of billing amount.

Period Gating

Trap date entry errors. In addition, easily retrieve daily or weekly revenues.

Duplicate Billing Items and Details

Recall an existing bill and edit the necessary to issue a new bill instantly.

Tight Billing Workflow

All notices will be tracked and managed till final billing. Gone are the days where a job done are not billed. A comprehensive view of aborted jobs, job status, job performance will help you manage better.

Support both GST and SST

Additional tax category or % changes? No problem, set the changes yourself to comply.

IQ-HR Package​

Advance Package

  • HR Centre
  • Payroll System
  • Leave Management System
  • Personal Information System
  • Attendance Management System
  • Includes 2 Days On-site Training
  • Includes 6 Months Support Services

Superior Package

  • HR Centre
  • Payroll System
  • Leave Management System
  • Personal Information System
  • Attendance Management System
  • Includes 2 Days On-site Training
  • Includes 6 Months Support Services

HR Centre

Fine Sand Security

Restrict employee information to certain authorised personnel. Data entries and edits can be similarly assigned to appropriate data operators.

Effective Dates

Future dates entered will take effect accordingly. New appointments, resignations, retirement, promotions and transfers dates will come in handy to evaluate employees career progress.

Career Progress Tracking

Track a staff entire career progress within the company. Designation, department, division, immediate supervisors, team engagement, and many more.

Payroll System

Variety of Pay or remuneration arrangement

It can compute hourly, daily, half monthly, monthly or even partial completed month salary. Similarly, contractual staff for a period or delay payout. Resigned or terminated staff can still claim their dues many months later.

Different Hour of work

Typically, most factories have two or more group of workers ie Office and factory. Normally office workers have shorter hours of work than factory hands. Thus, both have different hours of work within the same company. The ringgit per hour of a same salary from different group will not the same. As ringgit per hour is used in calculating overtime, the overtime claim of the same hour of time worked will be different.

Statutory Compliance

EPF, Socso, EIS, PCB meets the various authorities’ requirement. Soft copy submission is always available. Each group of your workers can be customized with different rate or category as desired.

Zakat, BIK and Tax Relief

The above will affect the personal monthly tax computation (PCB). These facilities help meet Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) requirements.

Allowances and Deductions

We provide Fixed and Variable features. The Fixed option is most appropriate for scheduled performance. You can have multiple Fixed Allowance and Deduction available for each staff. Each Fixed Allowance or Deduction has a start and end date, and over multiple years. Ideal for staff loan repayment.

Multiple Salary Payout Option

Your company can pay your staff by cash, cheques, bank advice, bank autopay or a selected combination. You can even set the payout priority, for example pay RM1000 by cheque and the balance by Bank Autopay. We have worked with various popular Malaysian banks for the Bank Autopay feature.

Leave Management System

Leave Type

You can set unlimited type of leaves. From Annual to Marriage. Each leave type has its own entitlement setting. Standard are service tenure with number of days. Set once and it will automatically compute each staff entitlement yearly. No maintenance needed unless there are management changes on leave policy.

Leave Benefit Package

You can create multi LBP and deploy them to appropriate staff to enjoy. Different staff group can have different LBP such as different entitlement such as more or less leave.

Staff Calendar

The Staff Calendar provides a quick visual of the staff leave activities, rest days, public holidays and even shift assignments.

Personal Information System​

Office Personal Data

Apart from the usual personal records such as health or family matters, it also keep track of company assets or issues given to staff. Asset held in custody by staff can be notebook, keys, tools etc. These items maybe be required to return on resignation. Issues given such as uniform, stationeries, safety boots, etc. Management can view the duration of usage when staff requisite. Even staff purchases can be tracked. Appraisal, performance assessment, tests and even qualification can be linked to the personal record.

Organization Charting

Create an organization chart is simple. It is based on superior/reporting line relationship. Thus, when a department head or a supervisor leaves the organization, automatically it will realign all the staff under her/him to a new head.

Attendance Management System

Third Party Integration - Attendance

We work with various established Time Clock vendors. Digital log will be imported into our AMS. From there the data will be “cleaned” and integrate into the system. Tardiness or absenteeism will be highlighted.

Third Party Integration - Overtime

Overtime hours will be extracted for payroll purpose. Automatically, work on rest day or public holiday information will be computed by IQ-Payroll to the precise rate and compensation.

Tardiness and Absenteeism

AMS allows recording of counselling and its further action. Repeated offence will be highlight.

IQ-Web Marketing​


Website Design Services​

SEO Optimized

Mobile Responsive

Website pages will be viewable on properly scaled resolutions on mobile.

Unique Meta Title & Description

Each page requires a specific keyword to be able to rank higher on Search Engines. Having a defined Meta Title and Meta Description helps to improve Call-to-Action for people to visit your website.

Fast Loading Speed

Speed is part of the ranking factor for Google. Having a fast loading website presents a better experience for your visitors.

Advanced Keyword Research

Find out what keywords are already being searched and start creating content for them,.

Hosting Information

Domain Name

Domain name is the brand that users will recognize you with. A free domain name is included for the first year. Your choice to choose from .com, .com.my, .my or any other common extensions. Renewal price of chosen Domain should not exceed RM120 per year.

Ultrafast Server

By using VPS server, and with the computing power in the cloud, you will have a powerful machine working for you. This ensures that processes are done quickly and files can be served faster to your customers.

Content Management System

WordPress is the Content Management System of choice, powering over 30% of the websites worldwide. It will be easier to find support for such an open source platform.

Professional Email

GSuite is the preferred email platform of choice, with multiple collaboration tools and secure infrastructure.

Website Content

Copywriting Service

Professionally worded content to showcase your product or service offering

Photography Service

Professional photographer to help capture the perfect image to represent your business. Good for corporate or even product websites.

Better UI/UX

Have a mockup design so that you can visualize the website before building it.

SEO Consultancy Services​

Google Ads

Intent-based Targeting

Run ads based on commercial intent keywords, meaning intent to buy.

Covers Search, Display, Remarketing & Shopping Ads

Depending on the products and services, different ad types may be required.

Conversion Tracking

Any types of conversions are tracked so that we can know the efficiency of the campaigns.

Budget Control

More refined control for budgets, can set to run ads until a specific amount, or let it flow free and only pay for the number of clicks.

Ads Write Up

Test and retest ad copies to make sure the high performing ones stay.

Utilize Negative Keywords

Identify and remove unrelated search terms.

Facebook Ads

Behavior-based Targeting

Run ads based on user interest, focusing more on nurturing and impulse buying.

Covers Feed, Sidebar and even other platforms

Depending on the products and services, different ad locations may be required.

Pixel Tracking

Any types of conversions are tracked so that we can know the efficiency of the campaigns, plus Facebook can learn more about or target audience better.

Budget Control

More refined control for budgets, can set to run ads until a specific amount, or let it flow free and only pay for the number of impressions.

Ads Write Up

Test and retest ad copies to make sure the high performing ones stay.

Fine-grain Control for Ads Location

Choose to place ads on desktop or mobile, different Operating Systems or even geographical location for the best impact.

SEO Consultancy

SEO Audit

Perform tests on existing websites to fix SEO related issues to improve ranking.

Advanced Keyword Research

Research on potential keywords that websites may have missed out.

Content Creation

Advice on SEO content or blog that is optimized for ranking higher.

Keyword Tracking

Applicable for enterprise websites. Track website keywords and performance, especially for competitive niche.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Businesses rely on conversions (Lead or Product Sales) for revenue. Research, analyze & test elements on the website for improving the number of conversion actions.
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